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02 Apr

Navigating Real Estate Law: How SELPH LAW Can Be Your Guide

Real estate transactions are often the most significant financial decisions individuals and businesses make. Whether you're buying your…
01 Apr

Ohio’s Most Unforgettable Wrongful Death Cases

Wrongful death cases often involve tragic circumstances that could have been prevented, leaving families and communities in mourning.…
29 Mar

Navigating Life After a Catastrophic Car Accident: How SELPH LAW Can Help

Car accidents can turn lives upside down, especially when they result in catastrophic injuries. The road to recovery…
27 Mar

What to Do After a Car Wreck in Columbus and Dublin: A Simple Guide

Hello, neighbors! If you’ve found yourself in a bit of a bind after a car crash, you’re not…
15 Mar

Understanding Your Rights: Injuries from Automated Delivery Services

The advent of automated delivery services has revolutionized the way we receive packages, food, and even groceries. Companies…
15 Mar

Rideshare Accidents in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles: Who’s Liable?

As the automotive and technology industries continue to innovate, the advent of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is transforming the…
15 Mar

Bike Share Programs: Liability and Safety in Shared Public Spaces

In recent years, bike share programs have become a ubiquitous feature of urban landscapes around the globe, offering…
15 Mar

Unveiling the Unseen: A Deep Dive into Recent Ohio Accidents and Their Legal Implications

Ohio's bustling streets and highways bear witness to numerous accidents each year, some of which grasp public attention…
14 Mar

From Legal Puzzles to Masterpieces

Navigating Ohio's Legal Landscape with SELPH LAW In an era where legal challenges resemble complex puzzles, SELPH LAW…

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