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19 Apr

Minimizing Liability & Risk

Why You Should Own a Dashcam

You’re rolling though the grocery store parking lot when a pedestrian steps in front of your car. You brake, but she slams the hood of your vehicle with both her hands and falls over. The police are called and a witness says that you drove right into her, But you’re not worried because you have a dashcam and can show exactly what happened.

This is just one situation. The truth is, there are so many reasons why you should own a dashcam.

Benefits of a Dash Cam

A dashcam is a small camera that records everything happening in front of your vehicle. With GPS-enabled capabilities, it can also pinpoint your location and show how fast you were traveling. Moreover, they are cheap. At less than $50, if a dashcam helps you through an accident or traffic ticket, it would be well worth it. 

Showing Your Side

A dashcam can take a lot of the guesswork out of a car accident case. Say you’re T-boned at an intersection. The other driver claims you ran a red light and they had the right of way. If you didn’t have a dashcam showing you had a green light, there might be no way to prove you were not at fault. 

When one other driver is involved, it becomes a he/she said and your attorney may not be able to discard such claims. However, when multiple claims of fault are involved, like a witness statement in a police report that does not correctly relate the facts as you perceive them, a dashcam could be the deciding factor that ensures fault is correctly distributed. 

Aside from crashes and accidents, dash cams can also save you from traffic tickets. If police issue you a speeding ticket, your GPS-enabled dash cam will be valuable in demonstrating the speed you were actually traveling, which could potentially save you from adding points to your drivers license.

Don’t wait until a crash happens to get stressed out and wish that you had a dashcam in the first place. If you feel they’re valuable, buy a dashcam as soon as possible. It might just save you a lot of headache later on. 

Contact Us

If you or someone you love suffered serious injuries in a car accident, we’re ready to be the experience on your side. Call us for a FREE consultation with an experienced Columbus Ohio personal injury attorney from Tompkins Selph & Associates. Call today at (614)-453-0971.

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