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11 Sep

The Importance of Mental Health in Personal Injury Claims: More Than Just Physical Damage


Personal injury claims are not only about physical wounds; they often include a crucial yet overlooked component – mental health. Emotional distress and psychological injuries can significantly impact a victim’s quality of life. At SELPH LAW, we believe in acknowledging the full impact of an injury, which encompasses both physical and mental health aspects. In this article, we delve into the importance of mental health in personal injury claims.

The Interplay of Physical and Mental Health

Following a personal injury, victims often grapple with a multitude of issues. In addition to physical pain, they may experience emotional turmoil, anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These psychological conditions can exacerbate physical recovery and profoundly affect the victim’s daily life.

Recognizing Emotional Distress in Legal Terms

Legal systems acknowledge emotional distress as a legitimate damage in personal injury cases. Emotional distress refers to the psychological impact an injury has on a victim, manifesting in various forms such as insomnia, anxiety, and depression. It’s important to note that these conditions need to be diagnosed by a medical professional to be considered in a claim.

Proving Emotional Distress

Proving emotional distress can be more challenging than showing physical injuries because psychological wounds are not visible. Here are a few ways emotional distress can be demonstrated:

  1. Medical Records and Testimony: Psychiatric evaluations and therapy records can provide strong evidence of emotional distress. A testimony from a mental health professional can also substantiate your claim.
  2. Personal Testimony: The victim can testify about their feelings, changes in lifestyle, or deterioration in relationships following the injury.
  3. Witness Testimony: Family members, friends, or colleagues can confirm noticeable changes in the victim’s behavior or daily activities.

Calculating Damages for Emotional Distress

Assigning a monetary value to emotional distress can be complex as it doesn’t have a direct economic cost. Courts often consider the intensity and duration of the psychological suffering, along with the egregiousness of the defendant’s conduct. Experienced attorneys can guide you through this nuanced process.

SELPH LAW’s Approach

At SELPH LAW, we understand the deep impact of psychological trauma:

  1. Holistic Representation: We work to ensure that the compensation our clients receive reflects the full extent of the harm suffered, both physical and psychological.
  2. Expert Consultation: We collaborate with mental health professionals to accurately gauge the psychological impact of an injury.
  3. Compassionate Guidance: We understand that discussing mental health can be challenging. Our team is committed to providing empathetic and respectful guidance.


In personal injury claims, mental health is just as crucial as physical health. Understanding and addressing the psychological impacts of an injury are vital steps towards full recovery and just compensation. At SELPH LAW, we stand by you in this journey, ensuring your mental health is given the consideration it deserves.

Disclaimer: This blog post is meant for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a professional attorney for legal decisions.

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