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08 Sep

The Legal Implications of Self-Driving Cars and Personal Injury Law


The emergence of self-driving vehicles promises to revolutionize transportation. However, this new technology also introduces complex legal issues, particularly when it comes to personal injury law. As leading personal injury attorneys in Columbus, Ohio, SELPH LAW is at the forefront of understanding and addressing these challenges. In this blog post, we will delve into the legal implications of self-driving cars and their impact on personal injury law.

Understanding Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars, also known as autonomous vehicles, use advanced sensor technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to navigate and operate without human intervention. They are designed to reduce human error, which is responsible for a significant percentage of road accidents. However, like all technologies, they are not perfect and can fail, leading to potential accidents.

Who is Liable in a Self-Driving Car Accident?

Determining liability in self-driving car accidents can be a complex issue. Traditional vehicular accidents typically involve the negligence of one or more drivers. However, with autonomous vehicles, the line of responsibility blurs. Potential liable parties could include:

  1. The Manufacturer: If the self-driving vehicle’s system malfunctions or is flawed, the manufacturer could be held responsible.
  2. The Software Provider: The company that developed the software running the self-driving vehicle could also be held liable if a glitch or error in the software led to the accident.
  3. The Owner or Operator: If the owner failed to maintain the vehicle properly, or the operator did not take over control when it was necessary, they could potentially be held liable.
  4. Other Drivers: In some instances, other human drivers on the road might be held liable if their actions led to the accident.

Navigating Personal Injury Claims Involving Self-Driving Cars

Personal injury claims involving self-driving cars can be complex, due to the multiple potential defendants and the need for expert witnesses to explain the technology involved. Here at SELPH LAW, we approach these cases with a comprehensive strategy:

  1. Investigation: We conduct a thorough investigation to identify the cause of the accident. This may involve working with experts in autonomous vehicle technology.
  2. Identifying Defendants: Based on the investigation, we identify potential defendants and build a case against them.
  3. Pursuing Compensation: We then seek compensation for our clients, which can cover medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, and more.


The rise of self-driving cars presents new legal challenges in personal injury law. As these technologies become more prevalent, it’s crucial to work with a legal team well-versed in these complexities. At SELPH LAW, we remain committed to staying ahead of legal trends and advancements in technology, ensuring we provide the best possible representation for our clients in this new era of transportation.

Disclaimer: This blog post is meant for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a professional attorney for legal decisions.

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