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19 Jan

Top Five Strangest Personal Injury Claims

Personal Injury Claims

When thinking about personal injury claims, most people think of cases involving slip and falls, car crashes, medical malpractice, and similar negligence claims. But sometimes, personal injury lawyers handle claims that are much less traditional. Check out our Top 5 List of the Strangest Personal Injury Claims in America. 

Note: These cases are compiled from reports only. Tompkins Selph & Associates did not represent the clients in the following claims. 

The Faulty Phone Booth Case

A California custodian was using a public phone booth to make a call when a drunk driver crashed into it. Although the plaintiff, Charles Bigbee, saw the car coming, he was unable to exit the booth due to a faulty door that jammed shut. His right leg was amputated and he suffered severe disability to his left leg that prevented him from working. He sued the drunk driver, the establishment that served her, and the phone company. 

The Falling Toilet Case

A Philadelphia woman sued the Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort when the toilet in her hotel room broke away from the wall while she was sitting on it, causing a permanent disability to her left arm. She settled the case with the hotel for $1.2 million.

The Bad Hair Case

A woman visited a hair salon to receive straightening treatments. But when she went home, clumps of her hair started falling out. She sued for lost income, emotional distress, and counseling and was awarded $6,000.

The Horse Case

Personal injury lawsuits typically involve people. But one in Oregon named a horse as the plaintiff. Justice, formerly named Shadow, was abused by his first owners. After his new owners renamed him, the Animal Legal Defense Fund filed what would have been a groundbreaking lawsuit in the horse’s name to prevent future abuse and abandonment of animals. The case was ultimately dismissed. 

The Sharp Sub Case

A New York man sued the Subway sandwich chain after he found a plastic serrated knife baked into his bread. Although he didn’t bite into the knife itself, he said that he became sick afterward, potentially from the plastic chemicals baked into the bread. He asked for $1 million and received $20,000. 

Personal Injury Claims

Whether or not you have been stuck in a phone booth, fell off a toilet or even bit into a sharp subway sandwich your injuries and distress are valid and worthwhile to pursue financial compensation for your damages through the legal process. This process is oftentimes very complicated and getting started can feel like the hardest step in the whole process. Here at Tompkins Selph & Associates we offer a helping hand in time of need, and promise our team will work tirelessly for you and build the strongest case possible. Call us today for a FREE Consultation at (614)-453-0971. Remember Big Guys Get Big Results.

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